Optiemus Electronics Ltd.


OEL NPI services are focused to shorten the NPI cycle so that the mass manufacturing of new products starts sooner. Our engineers work meticulously and make favourable changes in the SOP to achieve the NPI goals

We help companies bring their ideas to life, fostering growth and maintaining a competitive edge in the market. Everything begins with the meticulous New Product Introduction (NPI) process, where our specialized team delves into analyzing and subjecting samples of the new product to a battery of tests. We ensure common failures related to air or ageing are eliminated.

At OEL, we practice the principle of 4M: Man, Machine, Method and Material to arrive at “Per Line Per Day Production Output” for a particular product. This information along with the ramp up plan is shared with our business team who then quotes the pricing structure.


Factors like Line capacity, Equipment availability, Manpower, Bill of Material are taken into account to determine our future projects. Via potential risk identification and developing strategies, we ensure a smooth introduction of the product and reduce the likelihood of setbacks.

With innovation as our compass, we are set to enter the future of technology. We extend an invitation to join us on this exciting journey of exploration, where together we will create a world of limitless possibilities!!